Sunday, 3 January 2016

Current Projects on NZ Rail Maps

During the current holiday period I am working on a lot of cleanup projects and other activities. Some of these include:
  • Reorganising and restructuring several projects, particularly Northland-Auckland and Canterbury-Westland, that have data in the old single purpose layer structures.
  • Adding information to a number of projects, especially Canterbury-Westland and Palmerston North Gisborne Line. New information from Kiwirail's GIS includes bridge locations and kilometre pegs.
These projects will be progressed from now through to the middle of January as due to it being a holiday period this is the best type of activity for this time. As various people are taking holidays and won't be available to contribute to the project group, the Otago Central work won't resume until towards the end of January.

The Palmerston North Gisborne Line and the lines on the West Coast are all being updated with bridges, distances and track layouts at stations. This time around the PNGL is being done all the way back to Palmerston North, so it won't just be the Gisborne line that gets updated; instead, the Napier line will be fully specced out as well. However there are no plans for new volumes of publications at this stage. On our Map Volumes Collection page that you can see a link to at the bottom of every page of this blog, you can see what has been published and there will be no revisions to those volumes. However, individual maps will be published and uploaded to the Individual Maps Collection that is also linked from the bottom of blog pages.

The focus for publications remains CreateSpace and the Otago Central volume which has top priority and will be assembled as soon as the maps have been completed for that project. My goal is to have that work finished by the end of 2016.