Tuesday 15 January 2013

Key 10


This is the latest version of the map’s key. Notable recent additions deal with multiple main lines, and abandoned construction works. The North Auckland Line map document currently in production will be the first to use the new key.

The Skydrive site is also having all the old KML files added to it. These are archival – they haven’t been updated since this project started, and a number of errors which have been found in these files, haven’t been corrected. Hence the current maps are the most up to date.

Currently the North Auckland Line map is under construction (from Penrose to Otiria, plus all branches etc). When the detailing is finished, the map document will be put together. Look for it by the end of this week. Also a Quail replacement page might appear – or it might not.

There are a few changes in the styles as seen above because it has been decided that for urban maps, it will be useful to distinguish footpaths, footbridges and pedestrian subways. At the same time, bridges and tunnels will have smaller captions, and superfluous captions like “Bridge” will be eliminated to reduce clutter. The riverbed layers from LDS will become a global redistributable layer and they will be captioned so that the bridges don’t need to be captioned with the name of the waterway. Reducing clutter is important because of the issues with Qgis labelling where it often draws labels over other features, you can adjust the priorities of different labels against each other, but at the moment you can’t adjust labelling priorities in respect to symbols. There is provision in QGis for labels to be movable but this is not implemented in the current edition so the next easiest way is simply to deal with the labels (captions) as is suggested above.

Wednesday 2 January 2013

Nelson section map in production [3]

Continuing with some features of the line as shown in the first posting of this series.

A lot of points of interest further from Belgrove were already shown in the Glenhope Kawatiri article, here is the rest.


This map shows the section of the Buller Gorge from the end of the completed surveys (right), to where it would have met the SWL. The map on the left is a little featureless because it is the boundary between the two regions.


This is the map of the Dun Mountain Railway which is now a trail. The lower part that went alongside streets is not shown, only the part that is now a track.