Saturday, 22 August 2015

Next Aerial Batch

A request has been sent to Archives New Zealand for a new batch of aerials. These will cover from Galloway down to Wedderburn, with a couple of Clyde as well. The ballast pit at Chatto Creek should also be included. The specific photos requested are:
  1. R18344219: Survey 71, Run C, Photo 4
  2. R18344220: Survey 71, Run D, Photo 3
  3. R18347187: Survey 1745, Run X, Photo 11
  4. R18347185: Survey 1745, Run V, Photo 10
  5. R18347185: Survey 1745, Run V, Photo 11
  6. R18347184: Survey 1745, Run U. Photo 13
  7. R18347184: Survey 1745, Run U. Photo 14
  8. R18353409: Survey 3858, Run C, Photo 17
  9. R18353410: Survey 3858, Run D, Photo 16
  10. R18353415: Survey 3858, Run I, Photo 2
  11. R18353415: Survey 3858, Run I, Photo 3
  12. R18353409: Survey 3858, Run C, Photo 18
  13. R18344440: Survey 112, Run H, Photo 7
  14. R18344439: Survey 112, Run G, Photo 6
  15. R18353407: Survey 3858, Run A, Photo 24
  16. R18353408: Survey 3858, Run B, Photo 24
  17. R18347178: Survey 1745, Run O, Photo 4
  18. R18347178: Survey 1745, Run O, Photo 5
  19. R18359828: Survey 8319, Run B, Photo 3
  20. R18359829: Survey 8319, Run C, Photo 2
Although my preferred era has been the 1960s, aerial photography from around that period is hard to locate in Central Otago which apparently doesn't get photographed as often as some areas do. The reason there was so much around Cromwell-Clyde would be due to the hydro development which was a long standing plan for the area. Some of these aerials are therefore from the 1970s and others are smaller scales that will be unusable at 300 dpi, they are only being used in order to pinpoint the location for rescanning at hi res. Unfortunately the last batch of scans confirmed that these 300 dpi images are nearly unusable,

I expect probably only one more batch will be needed to get down to Middlemarch and from there I will consider whether to get a batch to cover the Taieri Gorge stations. There will not be a great deal of map making until I can get those hi res scans so I expect things will appear to go slower until the end of year holiday period.

It is possible I may get some hi res scans of the 1992 Cromwell Gorge set done at some point for further reference but this is not such a priority as the rest of the line and enough time has been spent looking at this area already.