Friday, 2 November 2018

Kingston Branch [1A]: Lumsden-Mararoa-Mossburn 1 - Intro

As of today there will be a new series on the Kingston Branch and this will run alongside the Otago Central Railway series. The reason for doing Kingston Branch stuff is that it is the other major branch line that is in Volume 12 of the maps, and since this content has to be added before a printable Volume 12 PDF can be produced, there is actually good reason to start work on it, whilst at the same time pushing along with the Otago Central content just as before.

There won't be a lot of high resolution maps from the Kingston Branch because there isn't a lot of content like that. The areas which I expect will be covered at a high resolution are:
  • Invercargill - Makarewa (depending on how many stations are available)
  • Winton
  • Dipton
  • Lumsden
  • Mararoa
  • Athol
  • Fairlight (current)
  • Kingston (current)
Unlike the Otago Central there won't be any research to try to fill things in. The Otago Central is a special case outside Canterbury and even then I have limited what I will research in Canterbury. There just won't be more 

On the Mossburn Branch at this stage I only have Mossburn but I will have to check to see what else is available.

So the first series for this line will cover Lumsden to Mararoa and Mararoa to Mossburn as they are all close together.

I am starting on a mosaic that will cover these sections, for which I have obtained historical aerial photography, and once that is completed then the maps can be put together as usual.